
FOP Journal Wins “Most Improved” from Association Media & Publishing

Association Media & Publishing announced the FOP Journal as the winner of the award for “Most Improved — Newsletter Changing to Magazine (Bronze)” at the 32nd Annual EXCEL Awards. 911MEDIA transformed the former 12-page newsletter that focused exclusively on Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) news and carried no advertising into a 40+ page, full-color, advertiser-supported magazine with innovative designs and a wider range of job-related and lifestyle content. Wins Emerging Media Award from Summit International Awards

Summit International Awards announced as a winner of its prestigious Leader Award in Online Marketing (Other) from the 2011 Summit Emerging Media Award (EMA) competition. “I am honored that we have been recognized by Summit International Awards for our efforts with the FOPConnect website. The trust our clients place in us allows our team to successfully explore the field of emerging media, with impressive results,” says 911MEDIA President and Publisher Mark Deitch.

911MEDIA Launches Website for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Youth Program

Delinquent and at-risk youth in Los Angeles County will now have an easier time connecting online with one of the best programs designed to help them learn decision-making skills and find new beginnings: Vital Intervention and Directional Alternatives, or VIDA, Spanish for “life.” The Sheriff’s Department program’s new website,, created by marketing firm 911MEDIA, was recently launched in an effort to reach a wider audience of families seeking redirection for their pre-teens and teens.

In Difficult Times, Public Safety Association Protects Its Membership

When public safety associations are faced with threats to their memberships, they can count on 911MEDIA to help them deploy strategic communications. The marketing firm was recently selected by the Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA) to create The website is devoted to rallying public support for the city of Las Vegas’ marshals, who face dramatic force reductions due to the city’s projected $400 million deficit over the next five years.

911MEDIA Speaks Up About Threatened Public Safety Budgets

Experiencing tough financial times, communities and governments across the country are finding ways to slash spending. Consequently, organizations that represent public safety interests are now finding themselves in crisis mode, suddenly seeking unprecedented support from citizens and civic leaders in order to maintain an ongoing investment in public safety and job creation. Reductions and eliminations in public safety programs are a 911 emergency of a totally new type, opening the doors to increased security and safety threats, according to Mark Deitch, president/CEO of 911MEDIA. An award-winning firm that creates custom communications for corporate and non-profit clients nationwide, 911MEDIA specializes in labor associations that represent public safety.

911MEDIA Collaborates with Retired Peace Officers Association of California to Publish Journal

Since 1980, California retired peace officers and their families have depended on the Retired Peace Officers Association of California (RPOAC) to advance their professional status, honor their contributions to public safety and protect their pensions, tax benefits and medical insurance from devaluation as the state struggles with budget cuts. Now, with the upcoming launch of the quarterly Retired Peace Officers Journal, members will receive a regular record of the RPOAC’s efforts, including information on the most recent state and federal legislative actions of significance, as well as updates on RPOAC events and other items of interest.

Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association Partners with 911MEDIA to Publish Alert3

When the more than 900 sworn police officers, fire fighters, security and staff personnel of the Los Angeles Airport Police Department need to learn about the latest issues affecting their interests as first responders, they will soon have a publication to turn to: Alert3, the forthcoming quarterly voice of the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association (LAAPOA). The association, the fourth-largest law-enforcement agency in Los Angeles County, has “maintained a leadership role in organizing, empowering and representing the interests of all current and retired members” since its inception in 1984. LAAPOA will depend on the professional capabilities of custom publishing, marketing and design agency 911MEDIA to produce the new magazine and assist the association in building a future web site.

911MEDIA Chosen As Newsletter Publisher for the Cayman Islands Public Service Pensions Board

Eager to expand its custom publishing, marketing and design capabilities, 911MEDIA is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Cayman Islands Public Service Pensions Board (PSPB) to produce the board’s bi-annual newsletter. As the managing and administrative arm of the Cayman Islands’ government-sponsored public-sector pension plans since 1992, the PSPB plays a crucial role in ensuring that retirement pension benefits are delivered in a timely fashion and are disbursed in compliance with Cayman Islands legislation and international professional standards.

4444 Riverside Drive, Suite 202
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 848-6397
(877) DIAL-911 or (877) 342-5911